Eveline Temmerman Hoe ga je om met dikke of gekristalliseerde oliën? Je bestelling is net aangekomen. Je opent het flesjeen je smelt wanneer je die heerlijke geur ruikt. Je kantelt het flesje om wat druppels toe te voegen aan je diffuser en.... niets. Hoe hard je het f... 24 jun. 2024
Eveline Temmerman Natural Recharge after Work-out! Great job! You’ve earned yourself some quality time! After a nice long bath or a quick cold shower, take some time to rehydrate and help your body recover quickly. Recover to Bliss 50 ml apricot oil A... 23 feb. 2023
Eveline Temmerman Essential Oils & Their uses for a Supercharged Fitness Routine Face all red? Heartbeat pounding through your chest? Breathing like an old man with asthma? Feeling the first booboo in your knee? All beginnings are tough, but we’ve got you covered! Don't forget to ... B2C 16 feb. 2023
Eveline Temmerman Esential Oils & their use for a Supercharged fitness routine In part I we've used the help of essential oils to get your motivation up. Now that your beast mode is activated and you’re ready to start your workout don’t forget to prep your body. Focus points are... 11 feb. 2023
Eveline Temmerman Essential Oils and Their Uses For A Supercharged Fitness Routine! Ready to supercharge your fitness routine in 2023? Explore these essential oils and their uses to take your workouts to the next level! I’m going to show you how to nurture your body and mind while ... 2 feb. 2023
Eveline Temmerman Winter Inspiration Discover the three ways Essential Oils can keep you warm during winter time Some essential oils can physically increase your blood flow so your body temperature gets regulated. A great example of this... 2 feb. 2023
Eveline Temmerman Autumn Inspiration Nature asks us to hit the pause button and to take a deep breath. Smell the wonderful earthy and woody scents surrounding us. Soak in the majestic sight of golden fluttering leaves and revel in the wa... 16 nov. 2022
Eveline Temmerman Slaap als een roos met Etherische Olie Draaien en keren, elke nacht om 3 uur wakker worden, opvliegers, krampen in de benen of moe wakker worden. Er is een reden waarom slaapmedicatie een van de meest voorgeschreven medicijnen is. Zowel on... 16 nov. 2022
Martijn Vanhoorelbeke Aromatherapie & Wellness Aromatherapy has a fundamental function in wellness resorts. The purifying and aromatic fragrances offer a unique influence on physical and mental health. Scent and well-being have gone hand in hand f... 5 okt. 2022
Martijn Vanhoorelbeke The Power of Scent Marketing For Companies Scent marketing is a unique concept in which you enrich the perception of company values and achieve more loyalty and satisfaction with your customers. In recent years more companies have used scent m... 5 okt. 2022
Martijn Vanhoorelbeke Quality of Essential Oils in Aromatherapy The quality of essential oils in aromatherapy is of immense importance to gain the most out of its health benefits. Pure nature in one drop. We live in a time where everyone is becoming more aware of ... 5 okt. 2022