Autumn Inspiration

Getting Strong for the Cold Months

Stillness, coziness and reflection take center stage during autumn. The days are getting shorter and the temperature is starting to drop. According to Eastern traditions, we need to get the accumulated heat of summer out of our bodies and pay extra attention to our airways.

Discover simple ways to cleanse your body in a gentle and invigorating way. That way we'll be in tip-top shape to make it through the cold months smoothly.

Gentle Detox

Add these three hydrolates to your water bottle in the morning and enjoy delicious water with various health benefits all day long.

This mixture gently purifies your body while as a general tonic it strengthens blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and immunity.


Skin Detox 

Honeybush is the ideal herb for autumn. Make it into a delicious infusion by pouring a tablespoon of the herb into 200 ml of warm water. Even if you are not a tea drinker, this sweet, honey-like infusion can tempt anyone. 

Especially if you know that honeybush is preventive against respiratory ailments and is packed with antioxidants.

Both drinking the infusion and using the herb externally will give you well-hydrated, elastic and even skin. So don't pour away the last remaining infusion, but make a quick mask with it.

1 tbsp yellow clay

1.5 tbsp. honeybush infusion

5 drops of apricot kernel oil

Pour the infusion over the yellow clay and let it rest for a while. The clay will naturally absorb the infusion. Mix until you have a nice texture and then add the drops of apricot kernel oil.

Apply the mask to cleansed and damp skin. Enjoy and rest for 10 minutes before removing the mask with warm water.

Close your pores and finish your skincare ritual by misting chamomile hydrolate on your face.

Autumn Tonic 

Use this blend in your diffuser to keep your airways in tip-top shape and boost your immunity.

2 drops of Cypress

3 drops of Scots pine

2 drops of Ravintsara

1 drop of Eucalyptus globulus

This blend will soothe irritated airways, improve oxygen intake and provide some much-needed extra energy. 

Summer Inspiration
Do's and Don'ts for Summer Wellbeing