Frequently Asked Questions
You can easily place an order with us.
Step 1: when you’ve selected your product, click on ‘Add to basket’.
Step 2: go to your shopping basket by clicking on ‘Items’ at the top right corner. Check your order and click ‘Proceed to checkout’.
Step 3: fill in your details and choose the payment method.
Step 4: check if the details are correct in the order overview, then click ‘Place order’.
Step 5: You’ll receive an order confirmation by email. Please note, the email might be in your spam box.
Joke ([email protected]) will take care of your order. Then she’ll pass it on to Ahmad, who’ll label and pack everything by hand. Finally, Joke sends your order and Marc ([email protected]) will do the necessary invoicing.
You can easily place an order with us.
Step 1: when you have selected your product, click on ‘Add to basket’.
Step 2: go to your shopping basket by clicking on ‘Items’ at the top right corner. Check your order and click ‘Proceed to checkout’.
Step 3: fill in your details and choose the payment method.
Step 4: check if the details are correct in the order overview, then click ‘Place order’.
Step 5: You’ll receive an order confirmation by email. Please note, the email might be in your spam box.
Joke ([email protected]) will take care of your order. Then she’ll pass it on to Ahmad, who’ll label and pack everything by hand. Finally, Joke sends your order and Marc ([email protected]) will do the necessary invoicing.
We work with pure, natural products that depend on their annual harvest. When a product is out of stock, it could be that the yearly batch is finished. If that’s the case, we unfortunately have to wait for a new harvest.
Although this Website may be linked to other websites, we are not, directly or indirectly, implying any approval, association, sponsorship, endorsement, or affiliation with any linked website, unless specifically stated herein.
You should carefully review the legal statements and other conditions of use of any website which you access through a link from this Website. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other websites is at your own risk.
If you haven’t received an email from us with the order confirmation after one hour, it might be that the email ended up in your spam folder.
If that’s not the case, you can check whether the purchase amount has been debited from your account.
If you are not sure whether the order has been placed, you can always contact us by e-mail or telephone.
We do our best to package our products in an environmentally friendly way. Our products are therefore (partly) recyclable and/or reusable.
Yes, all our products are 100% vegan and 100% natural. We are also organically certified by Certisys, which carries out a twice-yearly check and samples our organic oils. You can recognise an organic product by its label.
Aromen supports the Gate to Nature fund which is committed to reforesting the Masai Mara nature reserve in Kenya. With every product you buy, you plant 1 tree! Read more about this impressive project here.
Can’t find your answer or do you have a question? We will gladly help you further.
Send us an e-mail or call us.
You can reach us on working days during office hours at [email protected]. We aim to answer your e-mail within 24 hours.
You can also call us on working days between 10.00 and 14.00 on +32 (0) 56907941.