Natural Recharge after Work-out!

Post Work-out Wellness

Great job! 

You’ve earned yourself some quality time! After a nice long bath or a quick cold shower, take some time to rehydrate and help your body recover quickly.

Recover to Bliss

50 ml apricot oil
A light soothing, moisturising oil for any skin type.

10 drops of Lavender
Relaxing, removes any tension from the body and mind.

10 drops of Basil tropical
Mental and physical relaxant. One of the best essential oils to ease cramps.

10 drops of Scotch pine
It supports your energy and eases possible muscular or nervous pain.

10 drops of Grapefruit
Naturally detoxes your body, stimulates blood and lymph circulation, prevents and cures sore muscles.

If you have to get going right after your shower, use the organic argan-based body lotion as a carrier for this mixture.

That Wonderful Feeling?

Those are the hormones reaching a perfect balance. The increased endorphins make you feel as happy as a dolphin. Look at all the benefits you are going to have:

  • Decreased depression and anxiety
  • Balanced hormones 
  • Improved weight and body strength
  • Strengthened heart
  • Increased energy level
  • Balanced biorhythm
  • Lowered stress level
  • Boosted self-esteem

Essential Oils for Recovery 

Do you already know your perfect balance of exercise duration?

Overdoing it can cause slight muscle injuries, causing inflammation or scar tissue. Find your ideal balance and build up slowly.

Warmth or cold to the rescue?

If there are any signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, warmth and pain, apply cold quickly. If your muscles are just tense and sore, relax them with heat.

An easy and robust first aid for sprains, bruises or swelling is our First aid cold spray.

First Aid Cold Spray

How to prepare:
Mix the essential oils with vodka.
Stir, so they are all well absorbed.
Add the vodka mixture to the hydrosol and close the bottle. 
For the best effect: store in your fridge.

Ready to Supercharge Your Fitness in 2023 and Beyond? 

I hope you enjoyed our blogs on the essential oils and their uses to help you take your fitness and wellness to the next level!

As with everything that you use to supplement when working out, it’s important to note that essential oils are natural products that can support our body and mind, but never act without a doctor’s advice.

Safety is the most important!

Let us know about your fitness routines in the comments and what other natural products you use to stay healthy! 

Essential Oils & Their uses for a Supercharged Fitness Routine
Part III: Endurance!